The conservative news channel Newsmax has a commercial where people talk about how they don’t want to be brainwashed by the media. The point is that Newsmax just gives the news and not commentary. One man in the commercial says, “Don’t tell me how to think!” I would argue that Newsmax takes sides on issues as much or more than any of the other news channels, but I understand the sentiment. We don’t want people telling us how to think. Yet, one of the more popular verses in the Bible is the one that Paul wrote to the Philippians in Chapter 4, and Verse 8. He tells us how to think. He says, “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Paul thought it was really important to make sure you were thinking about all the right things. He didn’t hesitate to tell us how to think.
I’m not a skier, but I’ve read about “tree skiing” some time ago. I understand that some skiers love the risk of skiing virgin powder lying in a stand of aspen or spruce trees. The key, of course, is not hitting the trees! The article went on to describe the challenge: “Even more so than in deep snow or steep inclines or waves of snow, what you focus your eyes on becomes critical while tree-skiing. Look at the spaces between the trees–not the trees. Focus on the exits where you hope to be traveling. Don’t stare at what you don’t want to hit.” Isn’t that the idea Paul was getting at? You better focus your thoughts on where you want to go. Don’t feed your mind with “trash thoughts” because that’s where you will go.
There is a famous scene in Peter Pan. Peter is in the children’s bedroom. They see him fly, and they wish to fly too. They have tried it from the floor, and they have tried it from the beds, but they can’t do it! “How do you do it?” John asked. Peter answered, “You must think lovely, wonderful thoughts, and they will lift you up.” If you want to “fly” or be lifted up, you have to think about the right things: whatever is true, pure, honorable, etc. The Bible is full of passages that you can think about to get “lifted up.” One of my favorites is Isaiah 54:10. To make it personal, I put my name in the verse because I believe God is indeed speaking to me. “For the mountains may depart, and the hills be removed, but my (God’s) steadfast love shall not depart from you, Chuck. And my promises of peace shall not be removed, says the Lord, who has compassion on Chuck.” Try this as you begin the new adventure of 2024. Oh, Oh! I didn’t mean to tell you how to think!