One more time, Haggai 1:7 says, “Thus says the LORD of hosts: Consider your ways.” This phrase appears six times in the book. It’s a call to reflect on life as a whole and my own life in particular. Socrates said, “The unexamined life is not worth living.” I would argue that the wise man of scripture is the one who is always “considering” his ways or examining his life. Many Christians hold a little disdain for Philosophy. They shouldn’t! Philos means love and Sophia means wisdom. It’s the wise man in Proverbs who loves wisdom.
I looked briefly at the first two most significant considerations man has in the last two days: “Where did I come from?” and “Why am I here?” But there is another one that’s just as important. “Where am I going?” Martin Heidegger believes that man is a “being-unto-death.” Others feel we are headed for a final “nothingness.” If one assumes the evolutionary hypothesis regarding man’s origin, this is our destiny. But like Dr. Norm Geisler says, “Christians have a greater long-range optimism. They believe that God’s kingdom will come, and His will shall be done ‘on earth as it is in heaven.’ Christians believe history is moving in a specific direction and will accomplish God’s purposes. Bible-believing Christians believe ‘there is a heaven to gain and a hell to shun.’ They believe in what C. S. Lewis called ‘the great divorce’ of heaven and hell, which will provide eternal bliss for those who say to God, ‘Thy will be done,’ and an eternal woe for those to whom God says, ‘Thy will be done.’”
In the modern science of Anthropology (The study of mankind), the issue of man’s origins are usually ignored. If there is comment on man’s origin it’s always from the evolutionary point of view. It is so presented that whoever might consider the case for the creator must be of somewhat lesser intelligence. But Biblical Anthropology studies a much wider field. It begins with the most significant questions of life and gives us the answer upon which we can build hopeful and meaningful lives.
It’s simple: No God, No purpose! Know God, Know Purpose! Man came from God! Man was created to worship God, and man was created to live forever.
“For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23