If Hezekiah was the best of the kings to follow after David, his son Manasseh was the worst. Where Hezekiah was compared to David, Manasseh carries the distinction of being the only king of Judah to be compared to the wicked king of Israel, Ahab. He was Hezekiah’s child, but he bore little resemblance to him. Whenever I read about Manasseh, I’m astounded that God allowed him to reign in Judah for 55 years!
Furthermore, how could such a godly king, Hezekiah, have such a wicked son? That’s a question that’s relevant to us all today as well. Godly parents don’t always guarantee godly children. Rebellion is something many godly parents have to deal with. Rebellion is something we’ve all participated in also. The prophet Isaiah says, “all we like sheep have gone astray. Each of us have turned to his own way.” That’s us! Before we judge Manasseh too harshly, it’s good to remember that we too have rebelled against a godly father. God created us all and very often we bear little resemblance to Him.
Yet we all have a great hope for God’s grace. God allowed Manasseh to live on and reign in Judah for 55 years. He has allowed me, another rebellious child, to live on and enjoy life for 62 years. Why? God’s grace!
Max Lucado writes, “We are God’s idea. We are his. His face. His eyes. His hands. His touch. We are him. Look deeply into the face of every human being on earth, and you will see his likeness. Though some appear to be distant relatives, they are not. God has no cousins, only children. We are incredibly, the body of Christ. And though we may not act like our Father, there is no greater truth than this: We are his. Unalterably. He loves us. Undyingly. Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ.”
Grace! Amazing Grace!
“The purpose of my instruction is that all believers would be filled with love that comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and genuine faith.” 1 Timothy 1:5