There is nothing more important as Christians than to be “above reproach” in all our dealings. The world is watching closely, and always looking for ways to discredit those who profess faith in Jesus Christ. One of the most important areas with regards to living “above reproach” is how we manage our finances and how trustworthy or how honest we are in this respect.

In our passage, Jehoash removes the responsibility of managing the donations given for the maintenance of the temple from the hands of the priests and places it in the hands of secular professionals. This was not done because of mismanagement by the priests, but in order to maintain a public accountability with regards to the funds and to keep the priests reputations intact. It’s even mentioned in this chapter that those who handled the funds were all “honest men.” 

We can remember some terrible examples in the scriptures of those who abused their roles and used the sacrifices of others to enrich themselves.  Eli the priest who was replaced by Samuel was one who over indulged at the expense of the worshippers. His sons followed his example and brought disgrace to their priestly calling.

I once read of the citizens of a small English town. When they elect a new mayor, all the town councilors are weighed in public, following an ancient custom. Those whose weight is less than or at least not more than when they took office are warmly applauded—they have not grown fat at public expense.

Because of the many abuses of this principle in our lifetimes from Tele-evangelists and other spurious religious ministries over 1,100 Christian organizations joined together, On March 2, 1979,   to form the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA), an oversight agency that helps insure financial integrity among evangelical ministries.

It should be our goal to never grow fat at the expense of others and to live open and transparent lives to demonstrate it.

“When He comes on that day, He will receive glory from His holy people – praise from all who believe. And this includes you, for you believe what we told you about Him.”  2 Thessalonians 1:10