Genesis 1:8b in the LXX conatains a phrase missing from the BHS and the VULGATE
LXX (Septuagint): καὶ εἶδεν ὁ Θεὸς ὅτι καλόν
BETS (Brenton English translation Septuagint): and God saw that it was good
NETS (New English Translation Septuagint): And God saw that it was good
OSB (Orthodox Study Bible): And God saw that it was good
The observation or pronouncement of the second day creation being good is absent from both the BHS and the VUL. One commentators explains its absence if you choose to accept it.
Lacking here is the statement of divine approval, “and God saw that it was good.” Perhaps the author viewed the creation of the expanse as merely a preliminary stage to the emergence of the dry land on day three. Another possibility is that, given the fear that ancient people had of the firmament falling, it was important to make it clear that God was in complete control of it. He himself made it and it is, therefore, not to be feared. Another reason the formula of divine approval was withheld may be for stylistic reasons. Since the formula was to be used twice on the third and sixth days giving seven in total, not using it here allowed the author to preserve the pattern of sevens.48 [1]
It is observable that in connection with the second day’s work the usual formula, “And God saw that it was good,” is omitted. The “καὶ εἰδεν ὁ θεος ὅτι καλόν” of the Septuagint is unsupported by any ancient version. The conceit of the Rabbis, that an expression of the Divine approbation was omitted because on this day the angels fell, requires no refutation. Aben Ezra accounts for its omission by making the second day’s work terminate with ver. 10. Lange asks, “Had the prophetic author some anticipation that the blue vault was merely an appearance, whilst the savans of the Septuagint had no such anticipation, and therefore proceeded to doctor the passage?” The explanation of Calvin, Delitzsch, Macdonald, and Alford, though declared by Kalisch to be of no weight, is probably the correct one, that the work begun on the second day was not properly terminated till the middle of the third, at which place, accordingly, the expression of Divine approbation is introduced (see ver. 10).[2]
English Translations with variant readings:
Very similar! The only translations that reflect the notice of the “goodness” of the day’s efforts are those based on the LXX.
CLV (Chuck Larsen Version): And God noted that it was very good.
CLV In the beginning God created heaven and earth but the earth was invisible and incomplete. And darkness covered the abyss. The spirit of God was brooding over the abyss’ darkness so God issued a decree that there should be light, and there was light. God saw the light and declared that the light was very good. Then God named the light “day” and he named the darkness “night.” And it was evening and it was morning: Day One! And God declared, “Let there be some solid border that will keep the waters above separated from the waters below.” And so it was. So God made the barrier, and he caused a separation between the waters which were under the barrier and between the waters which were over the barrier. That’s what happened. And God noted that it was very good.
48 Wenham, Genesis 1–15, p. 6: “The correspondence of the first paragraph, 1:1–2, with 2:1–3 is underlined by the number of Hebrew words in both being multiples of 7. 1:1 consists of seven words, 1:2 of fourteen (7 × 2) words, 2:1–3 of 35 (7 × 5) words. The number seven dominates this opening chapter in a strange way, not only in the number of words in a particular section but in the number of times a specific word or phrase recurs. For example, “God” is mentioned 35 times, ‘earth’ 21 times, ‘Heaven/firmament’ 21 times, while the phrases ‘and it was so’ and ‘God saw that it was good’ occur 7 times.”
[1] Paul J. Kissling, Genesis, The College Press NIV Commentary (Joplin, MO: College Press Pub. Co., 2004–), 103–104.
[2] H. D. M. Spence-Jones, ed., Genesis, The Pulpit Commentary (London; New York: Funk & Wagnalls Company, 1909), 15–16.