I have argued in previous devotions that both Christmas and heaven are for kids. If so, what are some of the characteristics that make kids more suited for Christmas and for heaven? Jesus said, “Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” (Mark 10:15). It is interesting to me that Jesus talks about “receiving” heaven. It is like receiving a gift at Christmas. The Apostle John said that the Word became flesh and lived amongst us, referring to Jesus. He added “to as many as received him” God gave the power to become children of God. The kingdom of heaven must be received the same way children receive a Christmas present.
God is making a list and He’s checking it twice, but it has nothing to do with who’s naughty or nice. We’ve all been naughty and we know it. I remember wondering every Christmas if the fact that I had done some pretty naughty things that year would negatively impact my gift getting at Christmas. It never did! It seems that I’d sometimes be threatened by it. Grown-ups would sometimes say “Santa Claus is watching you!” but by the time I was 10 I knew that there would be lots of gifts under the tree for me. I also knew by that time that there wasn’t any such thing as Santa Claus. I also knew I could never dispute my level of “goodness” or argue my case. I was indeed helpless with regard to the attitude of my parents toward me at Christmas time. It had nothing to do with my naughtiness or my niceness. It had to do with their love. And I would receive their love gifts with great enthusiasm. By the time we were done there would be toys and paper scattered everywhere. That’s the way it was for my sons as well. They were my children!
That’s the way the kingdom of God is. It has nothing to do with our goodness, we all have our own share of naughtiness and that makes us helpless. That’s a good place to be. That’s where David was when he wrote Psalm 34. He says, “I will boast only in the LORD; let all who are helpless take heart. Come, let us tell of the LORD’s greatness; let us exalt his name together.” Our helplessness and God’s greatness makes for a great Christmas celebration! I really like the way the New American Standard Bible translates Romans 5:6-7. It says, “For while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly.” If we want to enjoy God’s greatest gift of salvation along with the promise of eternal life, we must simply receive Jesus as children receive a Christmas gift.