The Salvation, deliverance, the both Paul and Job expected might better be called “vindication” in the presence of his accusers. Job was confronted with his friends who charged him with sin that brought the pain and suffering in his life. The well-meaning so-called friends of Job wanted to vindicate God’s actions in Job’s life. God needs no help in defending His actions. God doesn’t need anyone to vindicate Him, but we all will need God to vindicate us. We know when we get to the end of Job how God took Job’s side in the dispute and even put before Eliphaz, Bildad, and Abihu the command to admit they were wrong to Job, Job would pray for them and then God would forgive them. Job was vindicated and rewarded for his faith by God with twice as much wealth and twice as many children. Paul is arguing similarly. He’s imprisoned unjustly and is abused and accused by others for wrongdoing, but he’s convinced that God will vindicate him in the end.
This vindication will happen because of two things. Philippians 1:19 says, “…through your prayers and the help of the Spirit of Jesus Christ.” Injustices are going to be vindicated because all those who know the truth are going to petition the judge! Our prayers for those who suffer will ascend into God’s presence as a testimony of a community bound together in love, just as Paul prayed earlier in 1:9. Growing in love more and more is just what happens to Christians who bind themselves together in community. Paul prayed for them, they now are praying for Paul. Prayer is very important and is incredibly effective. According to David Jeremiah, “One of the most amazing things for secular research to confirm is the power of prayer. Christians do not doubt that prayer works. We have numerous Scriptures (Jeremiah 33:3; Matthew 21:22; Luke 11:9–10; John 14:14; 15:7; James 5:16) and our personal experience to back up our convictions. A doctor named Larry Dossey wrote a book called Healing Words: The Power of Prayer and the Practice of Medicine. In the book he documents over 100 published studies, of which over half showed that prayer brings about significant changes in those prayed for. He even suggested that, given the evidence of the power of prayer, that doctors who don’t pray for their patients are guilty of malpractice!
Prayer moves the Spirit of God to do wonderful things in our lives. He gives us what we are lacking to stand strong and continue on in any circumstance in life. The text says with the “help of the Spirit.” But as Fee observes, “The word translated help … in fact never means that in any of its known uses in antiquity; rather it has to do with the ‘supply’ or ‘provision’ of something, as in Galatians 3:5, where the corresponding verb is used in an identical way, with the Spirit as the object supplied.” He is the “Provider” of everything we need. One of God’s names in the Old Testament is “Jehovah Jireh.” It means God is my provider. He was that for Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He was that for Paul and he will be that for you and me!