When I remember Moses descent from Sinai carrying the 10 commandments, I think of the shining glory he reflected after having spent time with God. I see this little reflection of God’s glory being a small reminder of what God 22 eternal weight2had created man to enjoy. If Moses’ face shined with God’s glory after having spent only 40 days with Him on the mountain, how much more glory was reflected in the appearances of Adam and Even. They walked with God daily on a regular basis. I think of the glory of the transfiguration when Elijah and Moses who appeared with Jesus all shone forth with great glory also. God created us to share in His glory, but sin has robbed us of our destiny.

Jesus broke the bonds of sin and restored God’s original intent for us to share in His marvelous glory. The New Testament teaches us all that we too will share in the same glory that Moses and Elijah shared. Colossians 3:4 says, “When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.” Further, each of us, who have placed our faith in Jesus will receive what the Bible calls “an eternal weight of glory” (2 Cor. 4:17 KJV). The theological term for the destiny of all believers is “glorification.”

We are justified the moment we place our trust in Jesus. Jesus takes the penalty for our sins and intervenes with the father on our behalf and wins an acquittal for us. It’s “just as if” we’ve never sinned. We are justified! God loves us the way we are regardless of our sin and failure. But he won’t leave us that way. Through the presence and prompting of God’s Spirit which he sent to dwell within us, we are moved from stage to stage, from bad, to better, to better, to better, but never to best (or completion). This process is called sanctification. It’s the process where we begin to transform our thoughts, words, and deeds into the image of God’s son. This process is a painful one. It always requires suffering, pain, hardship and discipline. But we can endure it all because we know what’s coming! In Romans 8:18, Paul said, “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.” The phrase, “eternal weight of glory” draws to my mind an old fashioned scaled on which two items are placed; one on the left and one on the right as their weights are compared. How can these momentary afflictions even compare to “eternal glory?” They can’t! No comparison!