We give glory, make God a heavyweight, in our lives by, first of all, trusting Him in all aspects of life. We not only trust Him for our destiny after death, we also glorify God when we trust Him with the choreography of our day to day lives on earth. His sovereignty knows no bounds. He orchestrates the planets and the ants as well as every detail of our lives. Abraham trusted God and Paul says it was his faith that gave glory to God. Romans 4:20 says, “He (Abraham) did not waver in unbelief at God’s promise but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, because he was fully convinced that what He (God) had promised He was also able to perform.” Confidence in God’s omnipotence and in His good intentions towards us regardless of the struggles we may be experiencing in life, gives Glory to God. He is the “heavyweight,” the important person in our lives.
There is another way to give Glory to God. The Greek word for confession is homologeo, and it means to say the same thing. Confessing means admitting that God is right about a certain behavior, conduct, or attitude that we have indulged ourselves in. We have to admit that God is right about it and that we are wrong about it. The Greek word for repentance is metanoia, which means to change one’s mind. So we can see that the two ideas are connected. When we change our minds about our sins, and when we admit that God is right (say the same thing) about our sins, we give glory to God.
Philip Ryken explains this very well. Let me give you his explanation. He says you can “…glorify God by confessing your sins. There was a man in the Bible who glorified God by confessing his sin. His name was Achan. He committed a sin that involved deceit, treachery, theft, and in a way, murder. When Achan’s sin was discovered, he was brought before Joshua, the leader of God’s people. What Joshua said to Achan is significant: “‘My son, give glory to the LORD, the God of Israel, and give him the praise. Tell me what you have done; do not hide it from me’ ” (Josh. 7:19). Achan confessed his sin, and then he was taken out and executed for his crime.” Now, I realize that the story of Achan does not seem to inspire confession and repentance, but we don’t know if he and his household were granted “eternal life” after the confession and repentance. Maybe he was! Regardless, we must not miss the fact that Joshua argued that confession and repentance gives glory to God.