1 Corinthians 3:9 says that we are “co-workers.” Some translations say “workers together.” Others say “fellow workers.” The Good News Bible says that “we are partners, working together.” The traditional King James says “we are laborers together with God.” But I still like “co-workers” best. We are working, along with God, in the building of His church on the one foundation laid by the apostles; the Lord Christ Jesus. One commentator says, “Within the context of this passage, co-worker means that God allows us to PARTICIPATE TOGETHER WITH HIM IN HIS KINGDOM’S work.” We all have the same mission. It’s called the “Great Co-mission.” Jesus commanded us all to embrace this mission and join together with the various gifts, passions, abilities, personalities and experiences that God gave us for the furtherance of this mission of “making disciples.” Jesus said, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18–20 NKJV)
This mission bonds us together and unifies our efforts. The commentator quoted above goes on to say, “It is God’s agenda, not ours and we work together to achieve our common goal. That’s what it means to be co-workers. We have the same objective and we are working together to achieve it.” Many of us remember the rescue of 18 month old Jessica McClure who was trapped in an abandoned water well for over 58 hours. This happened in Texas a few months after we moved back to Michigan. One reporter said that the rescue was performed by “up to 50 on-site mining engineers, firefighters, paramedics, drillers, jackhammer operators, law-enforcement officers and other support people.” The common goal brought out “the higher quality and better part of the human soul and the human spirit.” Williams said.
Many of the workers normally competed with one another in the oil drilling business. But all petty jealousies and completion were set aside to accomplish something more important; the physical salvation of a little girl. “The biggest thing … was the teamwork of the people involved,” David Lilly recalled.” It worked beautifully. Every person there was just willing to do everything above and beyond (their duty). There was no arguing or bickering.” A final report said “One-time business partners turned bitter rivals were working side by side, and even hugged one another after the rescue.” In the matter of making disciples we are co-workers. We are all in the same boat.