Jesus identified himself as the bread of heaven. In a very controversial passage, that often led opponents of Christianity to accuse believers of cannibalism, Jesus said, “…Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day. For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink. Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him. As the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father, so whoever feeds on me, he also will live because of me” (John 6:54-57).
John 21:6-10 records the events in which Jesus feeds the apostles a fish breakfast. The fisherman hadn’t caught anything all night, but when Jesus instructs them to cast their nets on the other side of the boat, they haul in a net load of fish. When they reach the shore Peter brings some of the fish to Jesus, and they enjoy the meal together. Jesus feeds the apostles. He then challenges Peter to feed His sheep (John 21:15-17). A very early church tradition places this Post-resurrection appearance of our Lord at Tabgha. Tabgha comes from a word that means “seven springs.” It is the winter fishing ground for fishermen from Capernaum. During the winter months its seven warm springs attract a specific kind of fish (musht or Tilapia), commonly called “St. Peter’s fish.”
We will visit the church at Tabgha and enjoy a fish lunch together at “Peter’s fishery.” A fish is the oldest Christian symbol. The Greek word for fish, ichthus, is an acrostic for the Greek words that translate to —Jesus Christ Son of God Savior. The fish symbol is pervasive in Christian art and literature from its earliest days. The symbol is seen on mosaics in Christian churches, on frescoes, on a wall painting in the catacombs of Rome, on glasses, cups, sarcophagi, monuments in all parts of the Roman world. It’s still used today and it is not unusual to find it on automobiles as decals or bumper stickers. The Fish that Jesus fed to his disciples is symbolic of Himself. His call to His disciples to feed others is a call to offer the world the “bread of life” – Jesus! Taste, and see if it isn’t good!