We are very orthodox in our theology at Country Bible Church and hold strongly to the Trinitarian concept of God. There is only one God, but He exists in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. All three persons are intimate in Family Matters. When Jesus taught his disciples to pray (and us!), he taught them to say “our father…” (Matthew 6:9). The very title speaks to us of family. As Father he serves four primary functions in the family model. Dennis Rainey describes them: “He is the Father of creation, of the nations, of the Lord Jesus Christ, and of all believers.” The Bible presents a picture of God as our heavenly Father. It’s one of the primary names that Christians are to use in addressing Him. Paul tells us in Romans 8:15 that in our deepest need we cry out to God by the title “Abba.” This means “Father,” or maybe even a more intimate term like “Daddy.”
Jesus is the Son of God: eternally existent and co-equal with the Father in His very essence, yet as a distinct person with a different function. Jesus Christ was God’s final sacrifice for the sins of man through the shedding of His blood on the cross and His resurrection from the dead. Christ presents to all mankind the only way to know God as father. John said, “to as many as received Him, to them He gave the power to become children of God.” (John 1:12). Without Christ we can never truly experience God’s plan for marriage and the family. It is through faith in Christ that we can be born again into the Christian family and begin a relationship with God that is essential in marriage and family life.
God, the Holy Spirit, is the teacher for us all concerning all matters and especially concerning marriage and family matters. Jesus told us before he went to the cross to die for our sins that it was good for Him to leave us. Like the disciples in that day, we sometimes wonder about that. But Jesus assures us all that He has sent us the Holy Spirit. After His resurrection and ascension the Spirit descended upon the believers and became the agent and teacher of godly marriage and family. Jesus said in John 16:13, “When the Spirit of God comes; He will guide you into all truth.” Again, Dennis Rainey says, “When Christian couples and all family members consistently yield to His control and power, they will experience harmony in their marriage and family.” One of the first things we learn at the Family Life Seminars is the important role of God’s spirit in creating and maintaining happy healthy marriages. Yes, in all three of His Persons, God is a family man!