One of the best examples a Christian can set for others is to maintain a positive outlook on life through all situations. We often sing “Blessed be the name of the Lord, the Lord gives and the Lord takes away, blessed be the name of the Lord.” In the valleys and on the mountain tops, “blessed be the name of the Lord.” Through every high and every low we know that He never let’s go so we have every reason to maintain a positive outlook on life. People who live out this character trait are those that Paul tells Titus to look for when he seeks to find spirit filled leadership for the churches in Crete. The Greek word is philagathos, or lover of the good!

Alan Loy McGinnis writes: “Corporations occasionally ask me to work with their low-producing managers and salespersons, the people who are failing, but whom they’d like to reclaim. As I sit with these men and women and listen to their conversation, I’m always struck by how pessimistic and cynical their talk is. One might say, ‘Of course, they’re negative; they know they’re in trouble in their company.’ But I suspect that it may have worked the other way—the one reason they became losers was their habit of negative talk. At some point they evidently got into the habit of commenting on bad circumstances, the bad working conditions, and the bad state of their business. Maybe it originally got them some sympathy and attention, or maybe they picked up the habit from other workers. In any event, they became negative, and their work suffered.” McGinnis suggests several ways to reverse this, but one of the most powerful is to monitor and change the way we talk. When people began talking more positively, they begin thinking or acting more so. He says to pay close attention to what we say, that will change the way we think.

Paul says something similar to the Philippians. But he says to focus on the way you think. In Philippians 4:8, he tells us “Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” True biblical leadership involves a “can do” attitude in even the most difficult situations. These are the kinds of people the spirit is obviously at work in.

“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think…be the glory.” Ephesians 3:20-21