Job’s so-called friends tell him that he has brought his problems and suffering on himself because of poor choices and outright sin. That’s the way God works. They elaborate on God’s character and nature. They tell Job all about God. While you rant and rave to me about God, Job says, I’m addressing Him in person. I’m not interested in just talking about God, I want to talk to God.

I was struck with the thought that this is the difference in a religion and a relationship. Religions teach about God, but Job cultivated a relationship with God. Job goes on to say I will address my problems to God, not to you.. He says, “I will speak to God, and let come on me what may.” I’ll take my chances with God. Then he says, “though he may slay me, yet will I hope in Him.”

Job has lost it all. His flesh is rotting away and he faces the ultimate reality of death. His friends can’t help. His family is gone. His wealth is gone. His possessions are gone. God is his one and only hope. Like you and I, Job knows he’s dying. Where can he look for help? Jesus once asked Peter if he would leave him as many had. Peter said, “where shall I go. You are the only one with the words of eternal life.” Charles Wesley wrote:

In age and feebleness extreme

Who shall a sinful worm redeem?

Jesus, my only hope thou art

Strength of my failing flesh and heart; 

Oh, could I catch a smile from thee, 

And drop into eternity!

Job understood that dialogue about God isn’t the solution. It rests completely in His personal relationship with God. I believe this distinguished Job from the others and this is why God commended Job and rebuked the others.


” Should we accept only good things from the hand of God and never anything bad?” (Job 2:10)