When Naaman was healed he returned to Elisha and wanted to pay him. Elisha rejected the payment and Naaman asked for some dirt. That’s right! He asked for two mule loads of dirt from Israel. Maybe he thought that if this river (which wasn’t as good as the rivers back in Syria) could heal, the ground might have supernatural characteristics also. Instead, I believe it Naaman’s way of expressing his new found faith. He recognized that in his encounter with Elisha, he met the one and only true God. He pledged to worship no other God but Yahweh.

His encounter with God, like Moses’ and Joshua’s encounters with God, took place on holy ground. At that spot, all these men learned what God could do, in contrast to what they themselves could do. Moses couldn’t lead Israel out of slavery, but God could. Joshua couldn’t take the Land in his own strength, but God could. Naaman couldn’t find healing on his own, but God could give it. I agree with the many theologians who argue that the “Angel of the Lord” in the Old Testament represented pre-incarnate appearances of Christ.  The helpless Moses met Jesus, and the moment was Holy. Joshua met Jesus, and the moment was Holy. Naaman met Jesus,  and the moment was Holy.

When we recognize our lost condition and acknowledge that we cannot save ourselves, like Naaman, or when we find ourselves incapable of the challenge before us, like Moses, or when we find ourselves facing overwhelming odds, like Joshua, that’s exactly where we need to be. We are on Holy Ground. Jesus saves us from hell. Jesus enables us to fulfill our mission in life. Jesus brings victory over our enemy.

M. Colley writes:

It may be on a kitchen floor,
Or in a busy shopping store,
Or teaching, nursing, day by day
Till limb and brain almost give way;
Yet if, just there, by Jesus you are found,
The place you are standing on is Holy Ground

“Christ died for us so that, whether we are dead or alive when he returns, we can live with him forever. So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:10-11