This series began on January 4, 2009 and covered seven sermons. It Was titled “Stress Busters” It was our Art Contest series as well.


Sermon Videos
Click a link below to watch the video. Click the same link again to close.

1) Introduction

2) Worry

3) Weariness

4) Indecision

5) Difficult Circumstances

6) Conflict

7) Fear Of The Future


Sermon Audios
Click a link below to listen to the audio. Click the same link again to close.

1) Introduction (audio)

2) Worry (audio)

3) Weariness (audio)

4) Indecision (audio)

5) Difficult Circumstances(audio)

6) Conflict (audio)

7) Fear of the future (audio)


Sermon Outlines
Click a link below to view the outline.

1) Introduction (outline)

2) Worry (outline)

3) Weariness (outline)

4) Indecision (outline)

5) Difficult Circumstances (outline)

6) Conflict (outline)

7) Fear of the Future (outline)