Balaam was a “self-willed” man! I can relate to him! He wanted the prize that Balak offered if he’d come and curse Israel. Yet, He knew God had forbidden it! God told him not to go! But then when the 2nd delegation of high ranking officials came & increased the offer, He insisted on going. The Lord let him go! On the way, his donkey balked and bucked three times. Each time, Balaam beat the donkey. He got angry, like self-willed people do when they don’t get their way.

Finally, the donkey asks him the question, “after all my faithful service, why do you beat me when one time I don’t do exactly what you want? Can’t you see that there must be something more than meets the eye?” That’s the question isn’t it! After all the blessings God has given him, can’t he submit to God’s will in this one instance? Notice that the Angel asks Balaam the same question. “Why did you beat the donkey?” Is it so hard to submit to God’s will for your life in this instance that you get angry and strike a dumb (not so dumb in this case) animal? Can’t you trust God to know what’s best for you?

There are two things we might think about in this regards. First, God will sometimes let us have what we want in our self-will, but when we get it, it won’t be what we thought. Second, the donkey saw the angel and saved Balaam’s life. The Angel made it clear that he intended to kill Balaam and would have had it not been for the donkey. Yet, it was the very thing that saved his life that he beat!  When circumstances arise that hinder your progress in accomplishing your will, maybe it’s an angel trying to warn you off of the path leading you to what you want that will bring sorrow in your life. Maybe there’s something more.