Chapter six begins with instructions for how both men and women can dedicate themselves to God in special ways for specific periods of time to show their commitment to Him. These are called the Nazarite vows. Although there is no mention of this in the New Testament specifically, there are references to times when Paul and other have made commitments to God to show their love. The Nazarite vows may be instructive to us. First, they would abstain from drinking wine and other alcoholic beverages. Wine was always a symbol of the joyful indulgence with the earthly pleasures. For a time it’s good for us to abstain from certain earthly pleasures as a way of telling God that He’s more important than the wonderful gifts he gives us.
Not cutting the hair was the 2nd vow. It represented one’s letting go of control. It was a way for the God fearer to surrender control of his life to God. It was an acknowledgement of God’s sovereignty. It’s always good for us to “let go and let God” in many of our contemporary circumstances. It tells God we love and trust Him.
The third vow was to stay away from the dead and diseased. This vow was a way of staying clean and healthy and whole. It was to avoid contamination. In our economy we too can tell God we love him by avoiding contamination with the sinful practices in the world. One verse comes to mind, “keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, never will I leave you, never will I forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5)