As we enter into these sections on the ceremonial law we cannot help but see the picture of Christ. Hebrews in the NT relates the cermonial laws and their fulfillment to Christ. The altar of incense represented Christ in his human nature, and the incense burned typified his intercession on behalf of his people. The “day and night” reflects the continual intercession of Christ to God the Father for payment for the sins of the world. Once every year the blood of the atonement was applied to the altar denoting that the intercession of Christ has all its virtue from his sufferings during the crucifixion ordeal and that we need no other sacrifice or intercessor but Christ alone.
The “ransom” was half a shekel, which was probably about fifty cents. Each adult was to give the same amount. The rich and poor alike. The souls of the rich and poor are of equal value, they are precious alike. God is no respector of persons. In other offerings the people were exorted to give according to their ability. But here, this is a ransom for the soul. It must be the same for all. The souls of all are of equal value, equally in danger, and all equally need a ransom!