The 7th plague is hail. God sent it amidst a great storm. Chapter nine of Exodus says there was heavy rain and lightening and thunder.
In verse 14, God instructs Moses to tell Pharaoh that He will be sending the hail storm “so that you may know that there is none like me in all the earth.” In verse 16 he says that the purpose of the plague is “that my name be proclaimed in all the earth.” Then in Verse 29 he says the plague came “so that you will know that the earth is the Lords.”
It’s interesting to notice that some of the Egyptian were saved, according to verse 20, because they took God at His word by getting their servants and cattle under shelter. This is how salvation always comes – by taking God at His word with faith and obedience. Verse 20 says that some of the Egyptians “feared the word of the Lord.” They found shelter from the storm and were saved.
The Egyptians who were saved realized the helplessness of their idols in contrast to the power of Israel’s God. In the midst of the plagues, the turn from their idols, to the word of God for salvation, and find it.
When faced with a problem, danger, difficulty or sadness, we naturally go to someone who is bigger, stronger, and more powerful. Children will often crawl under the covers with Mom and Dad when thunder shakes the heavens. We go to our heavenly Father who promises us, “I will cover you with my feathers, I will shelter you with my wings. My faithfull promises are your armor and protection. Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night, nor the arrow that flies in the day.” Psalm 91:4-5