“Let my people go” is the refrain of Moses as he appeals to Pharaoh throughout the ten plagues. But Pharaoh refuses to surrender control. As a self proclaimed god, Pharaoh refuses to relenquish the reigns of his life to the God who called for his submission. He hardens his heart time and time against God’s claim on his life. “Who is God?” Pharaoh asks, “that I should obey Him.” But God simply whats him to let go of the reigns, let go of control, let the people go and let God be God.
Pharaoh brought upon himself more problems than you and I can imagine. They struck him and his nation in the form of plagues. Could it be that you and I are often like Pharaoh. An unknown poet once wrote:
Lord, I’m so discouraged
I don’t know what to do
I have so many burdens
And I gave them all to you.
But you didn’t take them Jesus
Will you tell me why that’s so?
The answer’s simply little one
Because you won’t let go.
May we let go!