If Joseph knew what God was planning, at this very moment for his life, he would be a happy prisoner. While he was slaving away, serving the other prisoners, as a servant of the captain of the guard, God was giving Pharaoh dreams. God was preventing the interpretation of those dreams. God was convicting the cupbearer of his broken promise to present Joseph’s innocence to Pharaoh. God was working all things together for Good in Joseph’s life. Joseph just didn’t see it, but he waited on God.
Joseph expected to be released because he was innocent. Had the cupbearer told Pharaoh about Joseph immediately, Pharaoh may have well replied that everyone in prison claims to be innocent and just ignored the cupbearer. But now, Pharoah needed Joseph and his abilities. In God’s perfect timing, the cupbearer, was reminded of his sin against Joseph, and brought the Hebrew youth to Pharaoh’s attention.
No matter what situation holds you captive today, you can be assured, that at this very moment God is working out his perfect plan for your redemption. Don’t worry, be happy, and wait on God.