Abraham is the man who believed God, and acted on his faith. He left his home and family and followed God’s call on his life. However, he had struggles in his faith along the way. In chapter 12 and 13 we’re introduced to one of them. Abraham left the Land God had given him and went to Egypt where he lied to Pharaoh about his wife. God seems to have blessed him with wealth and riches, but don’t miss the consequences for his failure.
Hagar was part of the wealth he brought with him out of Egypt. But She became the mother of the Arab nations that have been at the root of conflict with Abraham’s descendents through Isaac ever since. Whatever we bring with us from Egypt (the godless world) will ultimately cause us trouble. We must be crucified to the world and make sure that the world is crucified to us (Gal. 6:14).
Also, The increase in possessions helped to cause the later dispute between Abraham’s herdsmen and Lot’s herdsmen. Lot made some choices that ruined his life. He had developed a taste for Egypt. Before Egypt Lot and Abraham had shared their tents and their altars of worship. But (13:5) when Lot comes out of Egypt he only has tents. No wonder Lot gravited toward Sodom and ended up in moral shipwreck.
The lesson for you and me? Stay out of Egypt!