Psalms 64 and 70 are David’s cry for God’s justice to prevail over his enemies. He was innocent of Saul’s death, but his enemies held him responsible. David doesn’t retaliate, but he does express his emotion. He pours out all his anquish, bitterness, and resentment to God. He turns to God rather than might for satisfaction. In these Psalms David finds solace in turning the injustices over to God for resolution. He never insists on taking his own retaliatory action against his enemies. He “dumps” all his pain on God, knowing that God can handle it all. He asks God to act on His behalf, then trust God’s will!
The weight of bitterness, hatred, a vengeful spirit can destroy every good thing in our lives. We must learn to surrender all injustices, hurtful words, and spiteful actions over to God. If we carry them, they will carry us! They become the iron bars, and stone walls that make prisons of pain. Dump them on God! He’s strong! He can handle it!