Yesterday we looked at God’s distaste for complaining. Today we begin our reading looking at God’s hatred for rebellion to legitimate authority. Korah, Dathan, and Abiram. They were able to convince some 250 other significant men to join them in their cause to unseat the leadership. In their complaints (oh, oh!) they stated Moses took them out of a land “of milk and honey”(Egypt), rather than taking them to a land of “milk and honey.” Following Moses’ direction hadn’t been as pleasant and prosperous as expected, and these men decided they wanted to do things their own way.
Rebellion always results in God’s judgment, sooner or later. Whether on the job, in school, in society, or in the church, there will always be those who raise a cry of discontent and attempt to gather others around a rebellious cause. Let me give you the same warning that God told Moses to give the community: In Verses 16:23-24, we read, “Then the Lord said to Moses, tell the community: Move away from the tents of Korah, Dathan and Abiram.”