As we read about the Manna from heaven I remember John 6,where Jesus explained that he was the true bread that came down out of heaven. There are quite a few points of comparison between the earthly manna the Israelites ate, and the spiritual manna of Christ. Vs 14 speaks about how small it was, thus we see Christ’s humility. It also says it was “round.” The circle is the symbol of eternality. It was “White” speaking to us of His purity or Holiness. Vs 31 says it was sweet. The Psalm 31 challenges us to “taste and see that the Lord is good.” It was nourishing and provided strength. This of course is Jesus role as the true bread which comes down from heaven.
The Spiritual Manna of Christ did more than the manna in Exodus. The manna of exodus merely sustained physical life, but Christ gives eternal life to all who receive Him. The OT manna was for Jews only, but Christ offers himself to the world. God gave the Exodus manna for free, but to make himself available to the world Christ had to die on the cross. Warren Wiersbe concludes, “How sad it is that most of the people in the world walk on Christ as if he were unused manna on the ground, rather than stooping to receive Him that they might live.”