In times of trouble and calamity we often pray for help from God and make specific or implied promises if we get our request. On the news last week I caught a Las Vegas cab driver who found a billfold in his cab with $25,000 in cash…. He turned it in!!! The TV reporter asked him why. He said that he had been sick several months before and had promised God that if He’d heal him, he would reform his life. He was healed, and God sent a test… Then he said, “When you make a deal with God, you better keep it.”
The Psalmist in Psalm 76 closes his psalm with, “Do for God what you said you’d do – He is after all your God! Let everyone in town bring offerings to the One who watches our every move – Nobody gets by with anything. No one plays fast and loose with Him.”TM
“Help me to pay the vows I have made to You. I cannot do them myself. Teach me to pay my vows day by day.”JT
“Make vows to the Lord your God and fulfill them.”NIV He want us to make commitments! Then he wants us to live up to them. AMEN???