This psalm follows Psalm 109 more than just numerically. In Psalm 109 David unloaded all his anger against his enemies on God. This is God’s reply to him. This is how God responds to those who do not take their own revenge, but trust Him to set things right. God will say to them:
“Set alongside me here on my throne until I make your enemies a stool for your feet.” TM
“You will rule…..”
“People who follow your lead will join you, resplendent in holy armor, …join you with all the vigor of youth…” TM
These are God’s promises to you who wait on Him to raise you up instead of fighting for your own cause and trying to elevate yourself. God won’t break these promises. “The Lord stands true at your side, crushing (enemy) kings in His terrible wrath” TM as He fights your fight!
“…bringing judgment on (all) those who resist you…” TM
“…handing out convictions wholesale…” TM
“…crushing opposition across the whole wide earth…” TM
“The king-maker” TM will decide who will reign and “the true king will rule with head held high…” TM
We see how this applies clearly to King David. But this most beautifully pictures the Lord, Jesus, Himself! He did not take His rightful kingdom by force. Instead he suffered at their hands, “and for this reason God raised him up and gave him a name above every other name… that at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord….” Phil 2
Wow! “Victory in Jesus…. My Savior, foreeeevvverrr!” (Can’t you just hear me singing…..?)
“I heard an old, old story how a savior came from glory,
“How he gave his life on calvary to save a wretch like me
“I heard about his groaning, of His precious bloods atoning,
“Then I repented of my sins and won the victory…”
Join me in the Chorus…..
“Oh, Victory in Jesus…… My Savior, Forever… He sought me and bought me with His redeeming blood; He loved me ere I knew Him and all my love is due him – he plunged me to victory beneath the cleansing flood….”