When I stop to think about my life, I really have it good. God has been so good to me that I should be praising him with every part of me, “from head to toe.”TM He has an inexhaustible supply of love & forgiveness. Let me tell you some other things about this God. “He doesn’t endlessly nag and scold”TM me when I’m in the wrong. He never “holds grudges forever. He doesn’t treat us as our sins deserve…”TM “He doesn’t pay us back in full for all our wrongs.”TM “He has separated us from our sins…”TM He makes clear
distinctions between who we are and what we do! “He knows us inside and out…”TM “He understands how weak we are…”NLT
Even though I go astray often “He fills my life with good things”NLT He gives me eyes and fills the world with color! He gives me ears and fills the world with sound! He gives me taste buds and fills the world with flavor! The Psalmist is so right…”He fills my life with good things.”NLT
“Dear Lord, help me to praise you with ALL that is within me, not just part of me.”JT
Yes, Lord, help us praise you “from head to toe!”TM