I remember being asked on numerous occasions if a person can be saved and still entertain some uncertainty. This question rightly deals with the difference between assurance and security. The Reformers did their best to focus on the difference. Biblical assurance (certitudo), they claimed, was against all human effort or feeling. Luther argued that his security was based on something outside himself. He did not rely on his own goodness or powers, experience, or anything else to save him but solely on the promises of God. He argued that God cannot lie and will never deceive us. We, therefore, have full assurance of our eternal destiny.”[1] Yet, in my practical day-to-day life, I have to agree with those who say that assurance is the subjective side of the issue and security (or eternal security) is the objective side of the issue. That’s to say that assurance has to do with how one feels and is related to sense experience regarding salvation, while the issue of security relates to the biblical fact or truth or reality concerning the issue.

We learn that obedience to God’s instructions in our day to day lives is one way to build assurance into our lives.  The New Testament assures us of this truth, but it also reminds me that sometimes “our conscience condemns us” (1 John 3:20) when God does not. There seem to be times when a person can be truly secure but not feel that way.  I remember the illustration that was used about the two passengers on a plane. One was comfortable and relaxed and, read a novel and enjoyed his meal.  He was comfortable and confident that he’d get to where he was going. The other gripped the armrest with all his might, sweated, imagined terrible crashes, and just worried about a safe arrival. The plane landed as scheduled. The first passenger was secure and assured. The second was just as secure but had no assurance, yet he too, arrived safely at the destination. The security on the flight did not have anything to do with how the individuals felt about it. It was solely dependent upon the worthiness of the vessel and those in charge of it just as our salvation is. Yet a person may be on the plane (believing that Jesus died for them), and because of the weakness of our flesh, still do not feel like it all the time.

The New Testament is clear about God’s desire for all His believing children to not only have the security of their eternal destiny established firmly in their minds but to live each day with that sense of deep assurance that should come from that doctrine. The writer of the letter to the Hebrews says, “And we desire each one of you to show the same earnestness in realizing the full assurance of hope unto the end.” Hebrews 10:22-23 adds, “Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith … Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering for he who promised is faithful.”

[1] Lochman, Jan Mili, and Manfred Marquardt. 1999–2003. “Assurance of Salvation.” In The Encyclopedia of Christianity, 1:146–47. Grand Rapids, MI; Leiden, Netherlands: Wm. B. Eerdmans; Brill.