The author of Hebrews presents his case that Jesus as a priest in the order of Melchizedek, is far superior to all the Levitical priests. He’s better because He was a sinless person who did not need to make atonement for himself like the priests. He’s better because his priesthood was not dependent upon a genealogical connection with Aaron but was declared by God personally. He’s better because it was secured by a divine oath to assure us sinners of its authenticity in  contrast to that of Aaron’s line.  He said it before but because of its importance the writer says again that Jesus is better because of the resurrection and current status of Jesus at the right hand of God. Hebrews 7:22-24 says, “This makes Jesus the guarantor of a better covenant. The former priests were many in number, because they were prevented by death from continuing in office, but he holds his priesthood permanently, because he continues forever.”

Paul writes in Romans 8:34, “Christ Jesus is the one who died—more than that, who was raised—who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us.” The author of Hebrews has introduced Jesus as the mediator between God and man.  Through our faith in him, his sacrifice makes us right with God. But it’s more than mediation. The writer calls Jesus our “guarantor.” God made himself the guarantor of the Abrahamic covenant in Genesis 15 when he took upon himself the responsibility of seeing to its fulfillment apart from the works and deeds of Abraham. The Mosaic covenant was a conditional one regarding living healthy and happy lives in the land. You reap what you sow! But the new covenant makes Jesus our guarantor. Like the Abrahamic covenant, it’s unconditional. Stedman says it this way, “A mediator would offer the covenant, but it would be up to the believer to receive it. A guarantor, however, sees to it that the covenant is fulfilled, even though the believer resists and stumbles at times. It is because Jesus lives forever that he can guarantee ultimate results.” [1]

Another commentator writes the conclusion of what it means for Jesus to be our “guarantor.” Kistemaker says, “Jesus is the believer’s guarantee that all God’s promises will be fulfilled. That is, no promise God has made to us can ever be broken, for Jesus gives the assurance that his perfection will be our perfection, our bodies ‘will be like his glorious body’ (Phil. 3:21), and his ascension guarantees our entrance into heaven (John 14:3).”[2] If my behavior, attitude, dedication or any other personal trait becomes my guarantor, I’m in big trouble. It’s impossible for me or you to live up to the standards God has established which would make us acceptable to God. We need a savior! Jesus is that savior! He guarantees our eternal destiny. His person and work is fully sufficient for my needs. It’s faith in the unconditional love of God expressed on Calvary for us that changes lives. Laws, rules, and religions will never work. We need a savior! I don’t need someone to throw me a life saver when I’m drowning in sin. I’ll never be able to hang on to it by my own strength. I don’t need someone standing on the dock making swimming arm motions saying “go like this!” I don’t have that ability. I need someone to jump into my ocean of sin and carry me out. Jesus is our savior!

[1] Ray C. Stedman, Hebrews, The IVP New Testament Commentary Series (Westmont, IL: IVP Academic, 1992), Heb 7:20.

[2] Simon J. Kistemaker and William Hendriksen, Exposition of Hebrews, vol. 15, New Testament Commentary (Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1953–2001), 202.