The first thing that become apparent in Psalm 70 is the desperate situation of the writer. There is some discussion over what episode in David’s life is being referred to, but it’s good to remember that although David was the beloved King of Israel for 40 years, that he was installed by God, blessed by God, approved by God, and even called by God “a man after His own heart,” David had constant troubles and was in nearly constant danger for his life. If this is true for David, should we expect anything less? As Boice asks, “Should we be astonished that troubles and dangers, enemies, and even muddy pits are our frequent lots in life?”

We shouldn’t be surprised, even when our situation seems desperate. In this Psalm David repeats his desperate cry to God several times. “Hurry, Oh God, to save me! Oh Lord, come quickly to help me!” He says this four times in five verses! Have you ever felt like that? I sure have! I’ll bet you have too! It could come upon you for a plethora of reasons. It might be in our families. It might be on the job. It might be with our health or the health of someone close to us. You all know the drills! I feel like David sometimes: “If I don’t get some relief soon, I’m gonna lose it!”

This whole Psalm is prayer. David prays for three things. First, he prays for himself! He dumps his pain on God and cries out for help. Second, he prays for his enemies. Well, actually, he prays that God will take action against his antagonists. He wants all evil to fail! So do we! Thirdly, he prays for other righteous people. He realizes that all of God’s people suffer at the hands of evil and we all need God’s intercession.

Paul is right. Prayer is the best answer when you feel like you might lose it. He writes from a prison cell to the Philippians, “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”

The godly will rejoice in the Lord and find shelter in him. And those who do what is right will praise him. (Psalm 64:10)