In Elihu’s speech to Job and the three friends, he rightly explains another possible reason for God to allow suffering. Troubles get our attention. In 36:15, Elihu says, “He (God) delivers the afflicted by their affliction and opens their ear by adversity.” It’s through the suffering itself that we find our salvation.

A great example of this is David Watson. Watson, a minister in England, died of cancer before these words of his were ever published. He said, “It’s sometimes only through suffering that we begin to listen to God. Our natural pride and self-confidence have to be stripped painfully away and we become aware, perhaps for the first time, of our own personal needs…Through the unexpected diagnosis of cancer I was forced to consider carefully my priorities in life and to make some necessary adjustments. I still do not know why God allowed it, nor does it bother me. But, I am beginning to hear what God is saying, and this has been enormously helpful to me.”

It’s just the way God works. Moses had to spend 40 years in the wilderness watching someone else’s sheep before he could hear God from the burning Bush. Paul had to be struck blind on the road to Damascus before he could hear God’s personal call on his life. We too, often have to go through personal trials before we listen to God. But as Elihu says, “God delivers the afflicted by their affliction and opens their ear by adversity.”

“Jesus replied, If they kept quiet, the stones along the road would burst into cheers!” (Luke 19:40)