Chapter 39 concludes the story of the Israelites and the Exodus. The whole wilderness experience couldn’t have had a happier ending. After all the complaining, rebellion, and the golden calf, the Israelites ended well. Moses returns from the Mountain a second time bringing with Him God’s Laws and the directions for building the tabernacle. Moses passes on God’s instructions, and under Bezalel’s leadership the people build the tabernacle and all its furnishings. The final testimony of Israel’s obedience is repeated in chapter 39, over and over. They completed their work…
39:1 “just as the Lord had commanded …” 39:5 “just as the Lord had commanded …” 39:7 “just as the Lord had commanded …” 39:21 “just as the Lord had commanded …” 39:26 “just as the Lord had commanded …” 39:29 “just as the Lord had commanded …” 39:31 “just as the Lord had commanded …” 39:32 “The Israelites had done everything just as the Lord had commanded…”
How did Moses Respond? 39:43 “Then Moses inspected all their work. When he found it had been done just as the Lord commanded him, he blessed them.” Then Chapter 40 records Moses’ finishing touches on the instructions from the Lord as he had the tabernacle erected.
40:16 “Moses proceeded to do everything just as the Lord commanded him.” 40:19 “just as the Lord commanded him.” 40:21 “just as the Lord commanded him.” 40:23 “just as the Lord commanded him.” 40:25 “just as the Lord commanded him.” 40:27 “just as the Lord commanded him.” 40:29 “just as the Lord commanded him.” 40:32 “just as the Lord commanded him.”
40:33 “just as the Lord commanded him.”
How did God respond? 40:34 “Then the cloud (of God’s presence) covered the tabernacle and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle.” God took up residence with His people who, although they failed often, ended well by doing “just as the Lord commanded.”
May it be said of us in spite of all our rebellion, complaining, mumblings and grumblings and golden calves when it is all finished, “they lived just as the Lord had commanded.”