When Jesus explained to the disciples everything from the Old Testament regarding Himself, I wish I could have walked with them to hear it all. I would like to know. But God, in His sovereignty, chose not to have Luke record 06 the joy of discoverythat conversation for us. But we do know where to look for ourselves; the Old Testament. I think God wanted us to search these things out for ourselves. I’m convinced that if we seek, we will find. We have the same records that they had and if we diligently search them, we will find many of the things Jesus may have referenced in his conversation. We need to discover these connections for ourselves. Oletta Wald wrote a little book entitled, “The Joy of Discovery.” It’s about discovering things from the fantastic wealth of the scriptures that will change the way we think about ourselves, others, and God. God knew well that what we discover for ourselves is much more effective than what others tell us.

I know many preachers who let the commentaries rob them of the joy of their own discoveries in personal Bible Study. I love the commentaries and will quote them frequently, but I always wait to the end of my own personal study of the passage before turning to what others say about it. Often I’m corrected in my thinking and that’s a safeguard to my congregation. Often I’m encouraged to continue thinking in the way I’m going instead. I am reaffirmed by them in what I think I might see. A quote from Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Dictionary says it well, “Bible study is fun, and turning to commentaries at the beginning of your study will rob you of the joy of discovery.” Unfortunately, most of us have been impacted by the fast paced culture we live in and we find ourselves in a big hurry all the time. Nothing destroys a connection with God in prayer or Bible study than being in a hurry. I might spend too much time in personal Bible study when I prepare for sermons looking at the original language and wrestling with the context, but patient time with God over the text is the only thing that satisfies my hunger.

It’s not easy to pour over a particular text and wrestle with its context. It takes time to do that and we’ll often get bored. But it pays incredible dividends in the end. John MacArthur says it well when he writes, “The motivated servant will keep on scrutinizing a context. Such industry helps him expose pockets of biblical gold and even open up mother lodes. He will often cry out over his joy of discovery. He has his own version of ‘Eureka!’ He exults, ‘I found it! Oh, praise God!’” It’s nobler to study the scriptures for yourselves than to take someone else’s word for it. The Bereans, according to Acts 17:11 were nobler because they “… received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so.” Besides, it’s always good to keep in mind a quote that’s been attributed to Johnny Cash. He was supposed to have said, “The Bible sure sheds a lot of light on the commentaries!”