God’s steadfast (faithful) love makes me feel like dancing! It also makes me feel like singing! Judaism and Christianity are singing religions. Atheism is song-less. It has nothing to sing about. The funeral notices of Robert Ingersoll, the noted agnostic, stated, “There will be no singing.” The psalm-singing of Christian martyrs going to their deaths in the arena alerted the Roman Empire to the fact that a new and revolutionary force was coming into being. When the pleasure-bent populace saw the Christians singing as they fearlessly entered the amphitheater where hungry lions awaited them, they were filled with awe. Heaven is vibrant with song: “And they sing the song of Moses … and the song of the Lamb” (Rev. 15:3).
I have to admit, I’m sometimes afraid to sing during worship services because I don’t have a very good voice. Even though I’ve heard the exhortation to “make a joyful noise,” I still feel self conscious about how I sound. Sister Mary Grace, telling me to pretend like I’m singing in the choir in 5th Grade, has had more influence in my life than I care to admit. John Wesley said, “Beware of singing as if you were half dead or half asleep. Lift up your voices with strength.” William Booth was criticized for the gaiety of some of the hymns sung at his meetings. Singing about God’s great love is crucial to living the abundant life. I’m so glad we’re exhorted to make a “joyful noise” not a “quality sound” to the Lord. That gives me the confidence to sing along with those with the quality voices that lead us in worship every Sunday.
The first four verses of Psalm 92 focuses on the importance of singing. It says, “LORD, it is good to praise you. Most High God, it is good to make music to honor you. It is good to sing every morning about your love. It is good to sing every night about how faithful you are. I sing about it to the music of the lyre that has ten strings. I sing about it to the music of the harp. LORD, you make me glad by what you have done. I sing with joy about the works of your hands.”
The song is all about God’s Love and His faithfulness! That’s what makes me feel like dancing and singing!
“Teach me your ways, O Lord, that I may live according to your truth! Grant me purity of heart, so that I may honor you.” (Psalm 86:11)